Authorization with LDAP

To provide authorization information from LDAP, the LDAP directory must support the posixGroup schema.

Example LDAP entry:

  dn: cn=SetPVValue,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
  objectClass: top
  objectClass: posixGroup
  cn: SetPVValue
  description: Allow writing to PV.
  gidNumber: 1234
  memberUid: fred
  memberUid: jane

The above entry defines a group "SetPVValue" with members "fred" and "jane". The LDAPGroupAuthorizationProvider will treat that as granting the SetPVValue authorization to users "fred" and "jane".

Note that members must specifically be listed via memberUid. In the above example, there may be a user with primary group ID 1234 that Linux would also consider to be a member of the "SetPVValue" Linux group, but for authorization purposes such a user must also be listed via memberUid. The numeric group ID is not used for authorization.